After the loss of their son, Tommy Jr., to gang violence, Tommy & Jessica Romero wanted to help other families in hopes that they would not also have to experience the tragedy of losing a child. On November 1, 2018, the Romeros opened Tommy’s Legacy Christian Men’s Home and one year later, Fanny’s House Christian Living for Women. These programs are residential one year voluntary commitments by men and women who are serious about their walk with God and want change in their lives. These programs offered at no charge to clients.

About Our Ministry

Our ministry is made up of three parts: a men’s home, women’s home, and a church home. All three share the goal of providing people a safe and healthy place to grow their relationships with God and each other.

Our campus includes a completely remodeled housing facility where up to 30 men and 20 women can experience Christian living. Our programs are designed for people who want freedom from addictions and destructive lifestyles and to seek the restoration of their families. We do this through hard work, learning about God’s love, and Christian mentoring.